Barranquilla's Performance-based contract at Latimpacto's Dealshare - Instiglio

Barranquilla’s Performance-based contract at Latimpacto’s Dealshare

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Contrato de pago basado en desempeño para promover la prestación de paquetes integrales de servicios de salud prenatales para mujeres gestantes migrantes venezolanas en condición irregular y pendular.

On February 23 2023, Instiglio’s Associate Partner, Sebastian Chaskel, presented the performance-based contract we designed last year with Fundación Santo Domingo, USAID Colombia, and the Barranquilla District Mayor’s Office.

The agreement aimed to improve the maternal and child health outcomes of Venezuelan migrants in Barranquilla, Colombia. Sebastian shared the collaborative efforts and innovative approach taken to address healthcare challenges. The program showcased measurable improvements, reduced mortality rates, and increased access to essential services. The presentation was well-received at the first Deal Share of 2023, highlighting the positive impact of the contract on the community.


Check out Latimpacto’s Migration Dealbook here