Instiglio worked with Global Affairs Canada (GAC) to support the Government of Colombia (GoC) in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The project’s goal was to improve the GoC’s capacity to make data-driven policy decisions in employment and social protection to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the most vulnerable populations. To do so, Instiglio developed an innovative public management tool that aggregates and displays key real-time data for policymakers.
Type of Project
Performance Management
COVID-19 response &
Public sector management
project description
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a deep economic and social crisis worldwide, with developing countries being particularly affected by it. During the first months of 2020, Colombia’s unemployment rate rose to close to 20%, and 2.2 women lost their jobs for every man who did. With a relief package of approximately 11% of its GDP and a safety net under stress, now, more than ever, public spending in Colombia must be as effective as possible. To this end, Instiglio, with Global Affairs Canada’s funding, supported the Government of Colombia (GoC) in improving its capacity to make data-driven decisions in employment and social protection policies to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the most vulnerable populations.
To do so, Instiglio developed a public management tool for Colombia’s National Planning Department (DNP), which aims to help it answer one key question: Where should the efforts of the GoC be directed and how should they be adapted? The tool leverages the power of effective data aggregation and visualization. Two dynamic dashboards combine and display information from various data sources that inform:
- Where are the government’s resources going?
- Where are Colombians facing the greatest challenges?
- Where is the closest link between government programs and results?
The dashboards combine data from COVID-19 and social protection policies (e.g., Colombia Mayor, Familias en Acción, Jóvenes en Acción, Ingreso Solidario, and value-add tax refunds) and household data, with a focus on employment and household vulnerability. It allows the GoC to monitor key indicators and draw insights on an ongoing basis about the relationship between public spending and the evolution of results in unemployment and household poverty/vulnerability. These insights can then be used to inform decision-making on the run and improve the effectiveness of the COVID-19 response.
Thanks to this project, Instiglio contributes to strengthening the GoC’s impact through two channels, as described by Daniel Gómez, Deputy Director of the DNP. First, this tool will be a key input for the corrective measures taken in the Mesa de Equidad, the central Government forum, to discuss national poverty-reduction policies. Improving its effectiveness by 1% implies that at least US$ 350 million will be better serving Colombians most in need. Second, this tool will also be used by the DNP beyond the current situation. It will strengthen how it analyzes information, makes decisions based on it, and focuses on results.
Ultimately, the DNP Colombia Project has the purpose of improving the GoC’s ability to analyze real-time data and make use of it for decision-making on the run. Also, enhance public management by leading policymakers to make better decisions and formulate policies that improve the most vulnerable lives.