Supporting the Millennium Challenge Corporation maximize their impact. - Instiglio

Supporting the Millennium Challenge Corporation maximize their impact.

Supporting the Millennium Challenge Corporation maximize their impact

Instiglio is working with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) as technical and strategic expertise to design and implement MCC’s 4-year strategy to strengthen the use of Results-Based Financing (RBF). This project aims to advance MCC’s position as a leader in development effectiveness and increase the impact of MCC’s spending in addressing poverty. MCC’s strategy seeks to extend its use of RBF by building on past experimentation and ensuring that MCC has the capacities, tools, and policies to facilitate RBF’s effective use. To achieve this, Instiglio undertook an initial diagnostic of MCC’s capacity to effectively use RBF and then focused on developing and executing a strategy to enhance MCC’s capacity, currently under implementation.





Type of Project



Institutional Strengthening


project description

Instiglio has engaged in strengthening the use of Results-based Financing (RBF) in the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) through capacity building, technical assistance, and support on the evolution of effective RBF policies. This 4-year initiative aims to advance MCC’s position as a leader in development effectiveness and enhance its ability to reduce poverty through economic growth.

The project started with a diagnostic of MCC’s position to use RBF, entailing a review of past experiences, analysing relevant policies and procedures, and engaging with over 50 MCC staff. Based on this diagnostic, Instiglio developed and is now executing a strategy to strengthen MCC’s RBF use. It includes the following elements:

1.Building capacity: delivering training and creating tools, guides, and sector-specific analysis tailored to MCC’s use of RBF.

2.Expanding MCC’s RBF experience: growing capacity through experience by providing intensive technical assistance to MCC country teams on RBF use. It includes RBF use in countries such as Lesotho, Tunisia, Senegal, Burkina Faso, public administration reform, health, and energy sectors.

3.It ensures an enabling policy environment: supporting the evolution of key policies related to RBF in collaboration with MCC functional teams, including Legal, Procurement, Finance, and Monitoring and Evaluation.

This project builds on the promising success of previous projects with MCC in Morocco and Sierra Leone, delivering impact on the ground.

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