International RBF Seminar - Instiglio

International RBF Seminar

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Dear Social Impact Community,

We want to warmly thank all of you who participated in the International RBF Seminar, both in person in Rabat and virtually, and share some key insights that emerged. The seminar brought together a community of champions aiming to radically transform service delivery and development outcomes for citizens globally through results-based approaches. It is part of the broader movement of government effectiveness, which Instiglio and other partners are spearheading.

Morocco’s Minister of Labor opened day 1 of the international seminar by emphasizing the need to move from piloting novel public financial instruments to scaling the most cost-effective solutions to respond to the magnitude of today’s social issues. We heard from Colombian government officials how civil servants must be placed at the heart of this journey towards greater impact and become champions of change. Global aid and philanthropy underlined the potential of results-based approaches to create greater synergies between ministries and shift the day-to-day program focus from reports and paperwork to data and impact.

Day 2 of the seminar focused on Morocco’s 6-year experience institutionalizing results-based approaches in government – a first of its kind in the African continent.

High-level government officials stressed their efficacy in targeting vulnerable populations and involving new stakeholders in civil society. Some key learnings from the field centered around the need to more closely support the daily process of learning-by-doing, including supporting service providers in their financial proposal and equipping program leaders with the tools for successful implementation.

In 2023, we will continue to build on these conversations and strengthen our community of service delivery champions. If you wish to join us in this ambitious journey for enhanced global development effectiveness, stay in the loop by signing up here.