The article, written by
and discusses “Results-Based Loans” (RBLs) implemented by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Chile and Uruguay, which shift the traditional focus by emphasizing results rather than processes to improve student learning through technology.Main benefits of RBLs in education:
1. Flexibility: They allow governments to take necessary actions to achieve specific goals by linking disbursements to concrete results.
2. Focus on impact: In Uruguay, RBLs were used to digitize education, resulting in improvements in learning outcomes.
3. Reduction of administrative burden: They facilitate a focus on result-oriented strategies and allow for greater adaptability in facing challenges like the pandemic.
4. Improvement in information management: RBLs help identify and strengthen monitoring and measurement systems.
The article suggests that RBLs are a valuable tool for educational transformation in the region, even though they require a greater initial effort in their structuring.